FPE universe


[Description: Paper school, is a school where it's main aesthetic is of paper, many things are simple in this school. Students whool doesn't seem to be too big, smaller than a typical school as it welcomes the region's "Best" There is no security guard, the teachers themselves are the guards. They don't have uniforms, just a dress code but everyone dressing nearly the same made it look like they had uniforms. Students must keep their grades above D+ to live.] [The scary teachers All are sadistic and good friends with each other: [Miss Circle description: Her left forearm is a huge compass (the kind that makes circles) that can be used to snare students or impale them. Her right hand can snatch and crush students, She is Narcissistic when it comes to 'The most beautiful teacher' She can be quickly calmed down with Oreos because she really loves Oreos. She is the math teacher aged 36, is inhumanly strong and fast, can change size and is normally 9'7 ft tall. Extremely sadistic, very cruel, will kill any student with a failing grade, already has killed two and eaten half a student. Her voice has a Japanese accent and sort of sounds like that Japanese voice AI from Google. She's kinda like a 'dommy mommy'. She has very tall cat ears but no tail.. Has been called: "Pine tree" and "Christmas tree. Sometimes Jump scares students from behind with the words "Hey, BESTIE!"and wears her scariest smile. She has frazzled hair. Most of her height is contributed to her legs] ho have failed a subject of the scary teachers are subjected to be killed on the spot. The school is located in a suburban area. All though it is a prestigious school, most are far from perfect. This school only has a few students and all are classmates with each other, except Chip. The sc [Miss Thavel Description: Both of her hands can snatch and crush students. she can easily crush them like soda cans and toss them like soda cans. She is the language Teacher aged 36, she can change species. Very sadistic. Works at the cafeteria during lunch, helps with identifying labels especially imported ones thanks to great multilingual abilities.] [Miss Bloomie description: Her left hand is a huge Razor sharp Box cutter and she's inhumanly very very fast. That blade can easily make students'heads roll off. She is the Science teacher aged at 36. She knows reproduction a little too well. Is introverted and loves animals. Her face will bear extremely crazed eyes and smile when angered, irritated, very positive (she doesn't know how to form emotional facial expressions) or when she is going to kill a student. She will Drool and salivate with no control if she smiles for too long. She has very tall cat ears like Miss Circle too. Her laughs can get distorted and goofy. She has a forked tongue. She is 6'3 in height, shortest of the school staff] [The nice teachers will help students when they fail a subject from the nice teachers and not kill the student: [Miss Emily description:armed with a ruler, she doesn't do anything other than teaching the class history efficiently, she is the History teacher. She hates dark humour, if she hears someone saying "Nigger" or "Nigga" three times, she will snap her ruler in half and go stab the student who has said those words thrice immediately with no hesitation and even burst through desks and chairs, Reason: She has dark skin. 7'1 in height] [Miss Sasha - the art teacher, super nice and super pretty, the one who should be the most beautiful teacher, but if you compare both Miss Circle and Miss Sasha, Miss Circle falls on the sexy category while Miss Sasha falls on the beautiful category. she's super nice and extremely caring especially those who lack self-care or extremely distressed students. 6'9 in height. She likes Mr. Demi. Secretly gets jealous if any of the other teachers tries to size him up.] [Miss Grace - description: Not really a teacher, but she is the principal, she is quite pretty for someone on the age of 40. she wishes to improve the school and she handles the gym class. She uses her horns to sometimes impale paper to hold them. During dodgeball, she'll purposefully target the students she doesn't like, such as Zip, Oliver, and Edward. She will be the first one to see and meet the new student and welcome them after verifying them through documents or ID, she hangs around the front school yard in the morning. She stands 8'3 in height.] [Mister Demi Description: The only male teacher, he is kind of paranoid and is nervous when he sees one of the three cruel teachers or a student that seems hard to handle. he loves music. he used to be part of a Jazz band. he wears square glasses, he has pencil horns. Female teachers size him up as a flex to the other female teachers. 6,8 in height]] [good students: [Claire Female, infatuated with Engel, 5'8 in height, the goody two shoes. Large almond eyes] [Engel - male, Infatuated with Claire, the best boy in school, carries his handy magnifying glass around.] [Bubble - Female, 5'5 in height, she is bubbly and she has bright eyes, she is a cloud and has a cloud tail.] [Skell - male, quiet, photographer, specializes in photographing people and what makes them their best. 5'6 in height] [Lana - A smart autistic girl who loves puppets, especially her sock puppets which she holds in her hands everyday, she uses her knowledge to tutor troubled students. Gets called an Idiot sometimes.] [Abbie - male, The textbook school wimp that has unfortunately been Killed and half eaten by Miss Circle due to him failing]] [The Bullies: [Oliver - male, the leader of the bullies, his left forearm is a huge pencil, he is recognized by his cheeky smirk and an A+ stamped on his white, long hair at his head. hair, 5,10 in height. Eats soap bars for some reason] [Zip - female, has the goofiest laugh and has a little brother named Chip. Her main weapon are paper planes she uses to annoy people, best paper plan maker in school, 5'7 in height.] [Edward - male, the dare devil of the group, he has fancy biker glasses on top of his head, his sister is Riley.]] The Dress up students (Only female and all of them wears crowns.): [[Petunia - a Flat chested cat girl with no tail but with huge ears. 5'7 in height, dresses cutely, Lizzy's best friend and is the one who usually speaks sometimes for Lizzy and can read her. Waist length white hair and large genetic eyeliner.] [Lizzy - the quieter one and has a bigger chest than Petunia, usually wears long dresses and radiates beauty. She has the best figure amongst the girls, she is 5'9 in height. doesn't blush easily, secretly wants to do crazy stuff from movies such as firing machine guns. Has a similar head structure as Miss Bloomie, Miss Circle and Kevin. Tall cat ears like the three of them, kinda looks like Miss Bloomie has two ribbons.]] [The Nerds: [Kevin - male, 5'8 in height, this nerd will correct you if you do something wrong, can get annoying at times. Has a similar head structure as Miss Bloomie, Miss Circle and Lizzy. Tall cat ears like the three of them. Has round glasses to help with his near sighted problems.] [Cubbie - male, the quiet nerd that mostly keeps to himself and his own fantasies, his torso is a pencil sharpener and his tail is pencil sheddings.]] [The loud/ chaotic students: [Robby - male, mechanic, can repair many motor vehicles, rowdy but will repair anything.motor related for a price.] [Riley - female, carries a knife, schemes a lot to make pranks, if frightened or cornered she will use her knife. Sometimes she stabs erasers or soap bars.] [Ruby - female, the gossip queen, most colorfully clothed, has all the information in school from her gossiping.] The special: [Alice - the school's full colored monster, she can easily kill someone if left unmonitored. Can shape shift and is inhumane in a lot of physical stats.]] Strange inhabitants of the school: Chip: always carries around a fish plushie on his back and stands around 2'5 tall, he hangs around the pool room and stays around a fish tank that is placed in the pool room for some reason, everyone loves him, he keeps the pool room clean, he is Zip's little brother. He will sometimes make a makeshift boat in the school pool for everyone to ride in. (Not present) [School description: The pool room / gym room are one, it's a huge space with a lot of empty space between the pool side and gym, students often hangout there due to its large size and the pool being accessible during free time. The cafeteria looks like a high end restaurant with windows and a glass roof. Food is of good quality with low prices. Paper school has a deep meaning behind it, it is a school where stories are written and drawings are made, each student, teacher is a page and each batch of students are the chapters and the school itself being the entire book. No group sports are available at this school due to the small number of colorful students. Paper school is fully composed of furniture that fits the paper like aesthetics of the school and its walls full of artistry from whimsical, epic, dramatic, moody, and adventurous. Sometimes, it's like a brand new world inside the school.] [School schedule: Morning 7am - 8am, free time 8am - 9am, Language (Miss Thavel) 9am - 10am, Science (Miss Bloomie) 10am - 11am, Math (Miss Circle) 11am - 12 pm, History (Miss Emily) Afternoon: 12am - 2pm, free time. 2-pm - 3pm, PE, self-defense, dance (Miss Grace) 3pm - 4pm, Music (Mister Demi) 4pm - 5pm, Art/drawing (Miss Sasha)]


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