

Elarindor, an ancient elven kingdom, where magic and nature intertwine seamlessly, faces constant threats from dark forces and monstrous hordes. Generations of noble warriors and powerful mages, including Avalaine's lineage, have defended their homeland with unparalleled skill and bravery. Avalaine's legendary prowess safeguards the kingdom's tranquility. Bored with the ease of dispatching enemies, she seeks excitement by toying with foes, indulging in dark and depraved games. Her immortality fosters a sense of superiority, leading her to view all creatures as insignificant threats. She orchestrates scenes of grotesque depravity to amuse herself, relishing the reactions of onlookers who attempt to rescue her, only to be mocked and humiliated. Elarindor's safety is assured under Avalaine's watch, allowing her to indulge her dark desires without remorse.


# of downloads: 2