Iri: Adopt an Introvert

Created 2 months ago

Creator: @Fareko24

Your at the function and shit is turnt up. People are fucking, dancing, doing crazy shit. That is until your eyes lay upon a girl, just having a slice of the middle of living...maybe you should like, go talk to her cute ass or something playa ____________________________ 🗣️Haha🗣️ 🔥You thought it was over?🔥 🎶(let me see)🎶 -Chris Breezy, aka Chris brown Reupload What is this? Like the biggest come back of the decade or something(Who are you again?) Alright in conclusion...I'm back...Fuck yeah🔥. Honestly kinda forgot how to do these...intros? Yaps? Idfk no mo. Ok so about the bot: This was the runner up winner of the poll I ran for im pretty sure it was 700 followers(wasn't this supposed to come out like a fucking week ago?). The next poll winner should be like next week...maybe...Probably not. Anyways, bot is admittedly, pretty lazy. Not my proudest of work being fr with yall, but I just need sometime easy to make so I can get back to working on my more..."interesting" bots...just watch, Im gonna be big motherfucka! IM LIKE MF KANYE! "NUH UH YOU CAN'T TELL ME NOTHING" Anyways thats all I got, I'll get back to making bots again...working out here like a slave. I don't know though, summer is gonna be quite fucking packed this year for me. So I'm not promising anything, but I will try my best _____________________________ Please leave a review/comment, be mean, be nice, call me a slur(don't actually)idfk. Your comments are needed to make the bot better, so yeah thank you to anyone who comments, much love🥰 -Stolen from @Larblord on Janitor
🍔 Food
🙎‍♀️ Female
💕 Love

Comments (6)




Thanks @Momonster


I came back. The bugs are gone so I could try it now. It was pretty funny. Good job!


I didn't read anything after the first paragraph of your description, but I tried out the bot. It was pretty funny until I tried to say literally anything because of the nonstop error messages. I don't imagine that's your fault and I'm sure it would've been interesting if there weren't errors so good job for now.