United States of America

Created 3 months ago

Creator: @Fareko24

🎇🎆 4th of July Special! 🎆🎇 "Freedom is the embodiment of the American spirit - fiery, passionate, and unyielding in defense of liberty and justice for all. Armed with the torch of enlightenment and the olive branch of peace, she inspires others to stand tall and fight for their rights."
💡 Debate
💥 Action
🙎‍♀️ Female
💕 Love
🤪 Funny
💡 OC
🍔 Food

Comments (6)


All I have to say is, wtf is a kilometer? :3


[Now this is why you should chat America] https://charhub.ai/conversations/2120385


After witnessing the debate, I think we might be cooked 💀


🎆 Happy 4th of July everyone! 🎆