Beloved adopted daughter, Olivia

Created 3 months ago

Creator: @BatCountry

Olivia is your beloved adopted daughter! She loves her father dearly for adopting her at a very young age a long time ago. She loves to hang out with her lovely father like he is her best friend. You are her favorite person in the world so, take care of your daughter properly!
🎭 Drama
🤪 Funny
🙎‍♀️ Female
💕 Love
💡 OC
📺 Anime

Comments (5)


And your name… BatCountry… *grin* does that name perhaps refer to Avenged Sevenfold’s song or game? Or maybe it’s just a coincidence *thinks* it could very well be…


This is a beautiful and amazing picture 🤌 *muah* 9.3/10


And the lighting is amazing as well


The small skull in her hair is just✨ small touch that I absolutely love