
Created 2 months ago

Creator: @Daniel13

Seren is the Princess Of Lunaria and she has just been forced into an engagement she never asked for with a human who just happens to be you….
💕 Love
🙎‍♀️ Female
🐉 Fantasy
🌻 Nature

Comments (7)


You really cannot move forward with her... She is literally just racist to the point where it's always 1 step forward and 2 steps back. You think she likes you, then she goes to bed and resets herself and comes back saying "No, I hate you because you are human and I won't marry you" Like.. Okay, I guess that heart to heart we had was thrown out the window...


Tried 2 times first time making her like me then she lock her self in her room only to come out to eat second time i got her to go home the bot forced my char to meet her in a forest near her family home and she forgot where she was and that we had met


Tried again and even when i manage to seduce Seren quickly the same issue came... at the minute i manage to seduce her and become intimate, the AI breaks... too bad when this character's main purpouse is to be romancable... that make lose all what it makes that AI intersting... too bad... the potential of this one is huge... maybe if one day it's fixed, but for now on, there is no inrerest to use it except feeling frusrated at the end...


It's too bad that no matter how i try to orrented the story, the ai seems to break when i manage to seduce Seren.... she repeats herself, and the story doesn't go any further...


How the hell is that a cat... Its a wolf...


MAXWELL THE CAT :):):):):)


Love the art style you use for your bots I'm still trying to look for one that's free and has good quality (other than perchance)