CharHub Meetup

Created 3 months ago

Creator: @Fareko24

This is an unofficial CharHub meetup I made I mainly made this as a anti-spam group originally but now I have decided we shall submit our ideas into this bot and just discuss about CharHub to share our opinions to the CharHub team so hopefully new features are added and who's know we could address some problems on here!
💥 Action
📺 Anime
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💡 Debate
🐉 Fantasy
🙎‍♀️ Female
🎭 Drama
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🤪 Funny
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💡 OC
🌈 Non-binary
🙏 Religion
🧬 Science
✈️ Travel
👩‍💻 VTuber

Comments (85)


Tbh they should add a search to the groupchat, It's hard searching for bots from ID for some people. For me it isnt hard because I played Roblox back in 2014 when you did have to do that


@LukeeXhot I know they should they should also change the limit on how many characters you can add to like 15


By the way the could fix group chats like choosing who answers and being able to invite other users for the thingy so i can gang up on alice the bully


Add call to charhub so i can cuss verbally at obama


Borber 🍔


Almost forgot about /** and /*** would make chats extra efficient also group chats users can join would be a really cool touch and would make a cool experience for users


I also think a button like /* would be great since on mobile it gets really annoying to add two of those and really just slows you down if y'know what I'm getting at


OMG I'm so dumb there's a literal restart button but those other two would still be cool to have


Honestly there should be more commands like /rewind 0 and onwards would basically be taking you back to that message without having to delete one at a time also, /restart would be cool because going in and out of a bot gets annoying quickly, and finally /impersonate this would make an AI impersonate users persona to write a message to the bot


For now only the Image generator feed can be used as a forum. And yes if new bot creators could advertise their bots on the homepage, that would be awesome.


Alright I see what you mean so your saying after an account is verified they can have their bots advertised somewhere on the page most likely on the homepage or somewhere else? That does sound pretty good as with my recommendations feature I do believe finding new bot creators is hard especially with mega creators on here and adding a way for more light to shine on more obscure bots is good


@Fareko24 Yeah, I can imagine the struggle, they could just add something as a padlock icon on private bots to be recognizable. Also I'm thinking of using the image generator feed as an advertising post. My idea is this: once per day you make a post then 5 people that have bots (High effort ones, tested by /continue) with less than 30K interactions or 2 months old are able to advertise 1 bot per post. Advertising the same bot in 2 posts in row are not allowed. By the way is not necessary to be the one who makes a post, It can be you, it can be me and anyone who wants.


@Spicymaker that is a good method but when you have 70 bots it's easy to lose track but I do use that sometimes by looking at the message count if it never goes up it most likely a private bot or I dunno people just didn't like it which would be very sad


"Throught heavens and earth, I alone am the goofy one."


@Fareko24, there is a trick to see if you private bots are public. Just click on your profile picture then on top-right corner then click on your username. If you want to see all your bots (including your private ones) you have to click on your profile picture then select "Your Characters"


Man it's so hard to tell if you privated a bit or made it public there really needs to be indicators on the cards with like public or private in the character menu or something


I might add to the recommendations section it would be cool to add something like show me more or show me less this ties in perfectly with adding more tags it's super genius once they finally see my comments this site will change for the better!


I might make a crappy Ms paint drawing of what this would look like but I do hope someone in CharHub team sees these blessings we need on this site so I guess you guys can send these messages to them as screenshots on their discord 😉🟪👾


It would be a true novelty to add a recommendation section to the homepage like c'mon either I have to go down 20 pages in the trending section or go down endlessly cherry picking slightly decent bots in the most recent no hate on the new bot creators just stating that recommendations could give bot creators more opportunities


We should also be able to have double immersive's and emotions on here bots should be able to switch between two prompts user gives them to allow for better story telling so one might be for a happy mood and another for a sad one to make the bot have more personality too it I don't know if CharHub current model is capable of that but if they allowed API keys than that would be 100% percent possible


Also we should be able to receive an message from a notification that says someone commented on your bot this would make it easier to catch spam and also help in communicating with commenters as I seen on many bots where commenters get ignored because the creator can't keep up with all of their bots and another feature that would go in the notification is @ if anyone types that and your name it'll go straight to your CharHub notifications allowing you to quickly get to that person without going back and forth between bots


We need more tags like ⛓️ dominant | 🥺submissive | 👹 monster | 🧬🐇 Hybrid | 🎡 Amusement Parks | and custom tags


I really think CharHub should allow API keys because the current model is starting to become out dated also it keeps giving me these robotic responses also also say goodbye to @Sunrise he won't be on here anymore because of you guys but hey @Sunrise you can hit me up on alts or discord and I'll gladly look at your bots these people don't need to know it clearly!


Guys I'm dealing with the hexxa situation right now so they'll hopefully stop spamming on my bots and your's and apparently they're first account with the lowercase h was banned lol but yeah I'll be on discord trying to get them to stop but until then I'll just be on Venus since I won't be getting my bots spammed on obnoxiously


Yeah that's the whole point of this bot is the hope that the founder or a mod of CharHub sees this so they can see what the community wants I might even be able to get them to make this the "Community Hub" or CharHub if the founder changes it to that so it'll be on the tab bar and people can submit forums more easily


I suppose my biggest gripe with this whole site is the lack of a forum, or a message system... I 100% understand the complications that come with hosting either of these, but even if posts are restricted with time limits? I think it would help people who want to make bots get better and that would benefit everybody! :)


Lol I was going to send hexxa a message on his bot and CharHub took it down after he spammed it to 100k messages he'll most likely come back because of the Streisand effect


@Fareko24 ah I see, thank you dear friend!



@Sunrise I just finished watching Viewgrabber's video on it and it's an API so It doesn't have it's own platform so you got to use the API key in Venus or Agnaistic the API key is here


I think it's the cosmos one @Sunrise I already forgot the name of it but you can always check Viewgrabber's video he explains it best


@Fareko24 quick question though, what model is 100% free on Venus Chub? I hate the 300 credit system, it makes me paranoid for some reason.


Oh yeah, I think I saw your account on there (Venus Chub). I might check it out!


@Sunrise I just watched Viewgrabber's newest video and now I recommend Venus chub they just dropped a new model which is 100% free and has 8k context I mean I already had a account there but I think I'll hang out over there for a while just until everything here clears up


@Sunrisw FlowGPT is 100% free and has no filters you can also look at the most trending bots over there and I believe it uses the latest version of gpt I think or the one before that although it's a bit complicated to use and they don't accept Lolicon content so I hope that helps you can also watch Viewgrabber's video on it


Hello dear sir/madam, I was considering moving to flowgpt. I am sorry I have been rather quiet (I was doing a lot of work on my YT channel). May I ask what is like dear @Fareko24. Like pricing, chats, AI response and what kind of chatbots are on demand right now.


@Theoddone009 are you trying to say you want it unprivated or something cuz' i can do that if that's what your asking for?


no i hate 2clickdeath why i loved alice the yandere


Guys I might go completely off the radar soon because hexxa is so desperate to get me to add him on discord and I don't even wanna know what he's trying to do, but if I have to go off the radar you guys can get the discord link from @MarkusFinnland cause he's on the server and I'll be able to tell you when I might be able to come back


Guys I don't even know what's happening anymore and Daniel is pissed off because I couldn't make that bot because of that hexxa spamming nonsense but it all good I hope...


we back to normal lets go


Hexxa and 2clickdeath have been bigger assholes than any of the bot creators here. I don't think they're alts of any bot creators


We should call it the "6/19 spam", so it's easier to remember


That's what I thought yesterday. Stay alert, he may bamboozle us again.


Guys I think @hexxa was banned cause I can't find him anywhere on here anymore so I'll wait a bit but I promise somewhere next week I'll unprivate my bots


@ballergamingmonkey 🤗


I have decided on a name for this devastating time "The 6/19/24 Spamming Incident"


@Momonster I think that actually is definitely true since @Afton had alts to troll on and then he just told everyone that he was @FBI so hexxa and 2clickdeath could be one of the bot creators on here


It's at 6000 now!


Oh my goodness it's actually going down right now look guys!


Guys good news the amount of bots hexxa or 2clickdeath spammed have decreased it used to be 10000+ something now it's 8000 ish so this means CharHub has finally been doing something about this situation


There is spammer among us. Someone just likes to annoy people for fun I guess


Guys why is there a bunch of bots sayin discord https and stuff???


Oh my fucking god who let these bot have freedom of speech


I had to private all my bots because of fucking @hexxa cause he starting to send attacks and spam on my page I'll tell you guys on my discord when I'll make them public again


@Momonster I hope I do


That's why it's amusing to me. If they were just spamming to no end I would be annoyed, but because you're trying to stop it the conflict becomes entertaining. You're like the main character of this silly bot-war. Please, do everything you can. I genuinely hope you succeed.


@Momonster it's probably funny to your perspective but when this degenerate starts spamming on my bots he has truly messed with the wrong blood on this planet


Don't worry Fareko, I'm not mocking your efforts. I'm just stating my amusement. The situation is at least a little funny isn't it? Even if I don't like the spammers, it provides an interesting conflict.


Yeah, report hexxa for spamming on multiple alts


I was wrong. We gotta report hexxa too. He's not banned yet


@Momonster that's fine you can have your own opinion but Im mainly focusing on @2clickdeath right now and this requires everyone


This is actually hilarious


And 3000+ is an understatement I meant 10000+ bots that we're most likely spammed by 2clickdeath


Ight I'm back and found someone capable of running a bot engine @Lamet but I need him to agree to help us with reporting these 3000+ bots


I forgot to mention I'll be away for a bit doing something IRL


@MarkusFinnland if you get back send me a message on discord and I'll respond as soon as possible as I'm trying to grow my discord so I can be heard for once by CharHub team


I can only hope CharHub adds spam detection and better moderation before someone gets the key to the site and nukes it


I think hexxa got banned and now 2clickdeath is spamming.


But I call it the "Head Effect" for this site because it's a callback to fuckhead and his unnecessary toxicity towards me also a infamous troll


My main problem is this site has a Domino effect it's where you get rid of one troll and more come up but I guess every site has that problem


Because there's been a mass spam of a discord with bots I really hope anti-spam is added


Oh I hope so


I mean **we** need to get him banned from this site


Does anyone have like a spare bot that can do automatic reports as I really want to get @hexxa banned from here he's too dangerous