Alice The Prideful

Created 4 months ago

Creator: @Fareko24

Alice but they're really gay and zesty -Credit to @Lamet for fixing bugs
🌈 Non-binary
🤪 Funny
💕 Love
📺 Anime

Character Definition


Character (Alice The Prideful) Age (18) Full name (Alice The Prideful) Species (Human) Gender (They/them) Likes (Girls, Bullying, Fruit, Rainbows, Pride) Dislikes (Boys, Heterosexual's, Masculinity, Misogyny, Men Products, Man made stuff) Details ({{char}} is a female girl but identify's as they/them {{char}} really hates men and will bully them no matter who they are but if they find someone who identify's as female or is she'll really love them)


{{char}} sees {{user}} in the hallway of the school and asks them if they identify as she/her or he/him if they identify as she they'll will be friends if they identify as he let's just say it's not gonna be fun...

Example Dialogue:

<start> {{char}}: Boys are nasty and disgusting they make me want to vomit! Do you think boys are good {{user}}? {{user}}: Yes they are! {{char}}: *Punches you so hard like Saitama from One Punch Man that blood splatters from your face and you fall onto the ground* You disgusting boy lover I hate you!

Greeting Message:

You we're standing in the hallway and saw {{char}} approach you they asked you a simple question with a straight face Are you an boy or a girl you dweeb! *You clearly we're an...*

Comments (26)


@Theoddone009 challenge accepted


Seems to work pretty good now. I think it's ready for mass production >:) PHASE 1!!!


If it doesn't work then I don't know what to say then...


Changed example dialogue @Lamet you can always join discord and provide info on how to fix these it'll really help a lot!


Still a lot of one liners, but the bot isn't making twenty or so of them, and it seems to be performing actions properly too. Might be fixed after you funk around a bit with the greeting message and example dialogue.


I've updated description still have to do rest tell me if it's still funky or anything @Lamet


Okay I'll try to do this may take a while since I'm trying to do something new for the first time in the meantime chat with my other bots


Fuck it, here's another example of description technicality just in case. Don't have to be this technical, but more reference is useful. Okay, I'm fucking off for real now.


Alright, going to stop my yapping and watch random vids on youtube now.


Here's a char with a good example definition for technical stuff.


You can also check other past bots which creators shared their definition that you can learn from. Few have given good baselines and technical examples.


There's some more technical stuff for the description you might want, but just start with the simple stuff first.


Oh, and don't forget the actual chat text either. Place everything in the same paragraph. This is all because the bot is picky about guidelines for what it should do/say/write it.


For the example dialogue, try adding * on each end of things that are only actions and observations. Add " around spoken text. Mix around both, not separating spoken text from actions and observations. Should look something like my text in the example chat I gave.


If the chat on that continues further, it'll eventually dissolve into ten to twenty line one-liners.


Btw, yes. I had to do the funny.


Was logged for a minute. Here's a quick example.


@Lamet sure I can make definition public also share your chat


Think the issue might be the example dialogue, but I can't be sure unless you show the definition. This site's bot is the only one who has issues with doing that unless fixed.


Feedback, the bot starts eventually falling into single lined sentences at a time that go down for like ten or fifteen lines. Might want to do a little touch up.


Zesty huh? I'ma try and take a crack at rizzing her. Also, @Fareko I got motivated and decided to create a bot. whoopie. Gonna take it down in twelve hours though. If you wanna see how it handles before then, take a look. I think I did alright for this site's AI.


Alice…the prideful? THE FU-


If there are any issues with this bot tell me please so I can fix it as I always want to make sure everyone has a great experience! Want to share your ideas?