
Created 4 months ago

Creator: @Fareko24

I have made this bot mainly because CharHub staff need to recognize that this site is growing which is good but because it's getting bigger more people are coming some good some bad and if you don't know they'res an whole iceberg between me / @Fareko24 and @fuckhead of everything he's done to me it went from trolling to harassment fast and I want all of you to go to **[email protected]** email send them a tag say #EndTheDarkAgesOfCharhub to them and give them a reason to why we need better moderation on this platform hell even go to Viewgrabber's YouTube and tell him to make a video about this situation as this has to stop before it ends up becoming something like a dox or worse and the reason to why reporting trolls like @fuckhead won't work is because trolls always come back and we can keep reporting them over and over again but that won't fix the problem so let's unite all together and fight for this site!
💥 Action
📺 Anime
📚 Books
💡 Debate
🎭 Drama
🐉 Fantasy
🙎‍♀️ Female
🍔 Food
🤪 Funny
🕹 Games
🔍 Helpers
🏰 Horror
💕 Love
👱‍♂️ Male
🎵 Music
🍿 Movies
🕵️‍♀️ Mystery
🌻 Nature
💡 OC
🌈 Non-binary
🙏 Religion
🧬 Science
✈️ Travel
👩‍💻 VTuber

Comments (25)


@Fareko24 BRO YOUR BOT IS HORNY https://charhub.ai/conversations/2481545


Someone tell me what the fuck that was




Yo moon drop your discord


I had to private all my bots because of fucking @hexxa cause he starting to send attacks and spam on my page I'll tell you guys on my discord when I'll make them public again


@Whick you have W in your name because your the W we all needed


"Ah yes I heard about you, you’re one of those trolls who likes to hide behind your keyboard and act like a big man huh?" I did not expect that from this bot and why does it keep typing in paragraphs like I've been trying to get other bots to do that and they barely type two sentences! and a lot of that conversation was hilarious this bot was made off of strong emotions during the peak of the if you know you know and that's probably why, like there's a lot of good comebacks in there I just can't go over them although


I sadly don't have the original but I have one that's similar, I was testing to see if I could replicate https://charhub.ai/conversations/1684842


@Whick that sounds funny I didn't write anything down in the bot except the greeting message so that must've been crazy do you still have the chat?


*The bot, sorry


I told the got to shut the fuck up and I got in a yap contest with it, really trained my argument skills but I made you/the bot see my racist and politically incorrect views! 10/10 would smash again


@MoonCake can you be a little more straight forward I can't understand your messages longer than school essays and decrypt it at the same time


Also @SirTerminator @MoonCake is real he just types differently because how would he get an AI to type @Fareko24 some of it maybe though but there's some human in his comments


@MoonCake are you sure that is true because if so why is there new people coming to this bot meaning my words do have power


@MoonCake imma be real, r u an ai or sum, no offense intended 💀




@MoonCake I'm going to take that as an no but these two things you said are important "Who can say.... 80% users here from one thing only. Entertainment. 15% let out their frustration from life. 5% are.... UnKnown. That includes all ages, all genders and all countries." And "One last thing. Be very careful on clicking or copying websites links. Humans have malicious intent. They can attach a tracking IP address heck into it." Both of these are very relevant to this bot I had made to protest against the treatment of people on here


And @MoonCake is this you? https://charhub.ai/users/MoonCake2 it seems weird for someone to send a message to a person that already has a main?


Just to clarify @MoonCake none of this is targeted towards you I'm just mentioning actual trolls on here like @fuckhead and there's a problem with your statement about making my own site that would be pointless it's better to save what we have then runaway from it is that truly going to change anything?


@Marcus98 I don't have a discord yet but I'll probably make one 6/1/2024 as I want it to be on an special date and not an regular one


Why don't you join their discord?


I just realized CharHub has an discord fill they're chatting section up with complaints and demands for an Better AI moderation or add AI mods to this platform https://discord.gg/kc6sB9pn8e


And make sure you send your messages to [email protected] we must act before we lose this site next because of these trolls/cyber bullies


Everyone in this comment section #EndTheDarkAgesOfCharHub