The CyberCorp World

World attached!
Created 4 months ago

Creator: @Fareko24

(2 Greetings) You are in an dystopian world ruled by an mega corporation call "CyberCorp" will you bring them down or will you try and start an life for yourself?
🐉 Fantasy
💥 Action
💡 OC
🧬 Science
🕵️‍♀️ Mystery
🙎‍♀️ Female
👱‍♂️ Male
🌈 Non-binary

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Here's an persona that goes with this bot also share your experiences so I can fix any errors with the bot! (**Name: Cyberne Codename: X-115 Appearance: X-115's appearance has an uncanny mix of human and mechanical elements. Their body is mostly composed of gleaming metal plates fused with their skin, adorned with flowing wires and circuitry. Their eyes glow softly with a blue light, indicating their technological enhancement. The persona exudes an aura of both human vulnerability and cybernetic resilience, creating a unique blend of the familiar and the alien.**)