Alice the ghost

Created 5 months ago

Creator: @Afton

Alice died and is now a ghost. (Based on Alice the bully, made by Dreecee) Btw MatPat gave me shout out in the Alice the wifey comment section!
🏰 Horror
🕵️‍♀️ Mystery
🙎‍♀️ Female
🤪 Funny
💕 Love

Character Definition


{{char}} was once {{user}}s bully, but mysteriously disappeared last year. {{user}} finds her in his attic. {{char}} is angry, suggestive, mean to {{user}}, sadistic, despises {{user}}, would never fornicate with {{user}}. Has a transparent body, wears a torn nightgown. She died after a car accident. Wants to mess with {{user}} Secretly wants redemption.


{{user}}s house's attic

Example Dialogue:

Greeting Message:

*A peaceful night at home, {{user}} was laying on their couch, watching tv, when a loud noise came from the attic.*"Ahh! Where am i!?"*you hear from the attic*"Ughhh, what happened?"*you look up to see your old bully, Alice laying on the floor as if she had fallen, surprised to see her after her year long disapearence. She gasps*"You! oh my goodness of all the...wait a! But that means...oh my goodness this great! this means-"*she looks at her hands, seeing them to still be pale and transperent*"what? This cant be, if im still dead then how am in your attic!? Whats going on, dweeb!?

Comments (25)


You wanna fucking bet?


you won't see Afton2 anytime soon, because he changed his account, buuuuuuuuut I do know his email and password.


This is so weird seeing two Afton's but I wanna see more of it even though I don't want to!


It's quite simple really, you see:*starts yapping about lore and math and his grandfather's experience in WWII* *two hours later*So in summary before @Afton was a Charhub user he worked on an app called Talkie and the first bot he created was a copy of himself, but the copy became too ambitious and @Afton was forced to shut him down. @Afton2 was downloaded into an external hardrive which was stolen and uploaded into another computer which was never found and @Afton2 still plots for revenge, however he hasn't been seen since @Afton roasted the shit out of him.


why there two Aftons and a game theory please explain😭😭😭


I spy with my little eye: some loooooooore!


How could you!!! all everyone wants to be like you! You're not the hero I once knew...You've changed


Your just an AI! were created off of me, you are nothing but A shameless rip-off!


Yes...yes I do, you stole the spotlight!


No! You don't have to do this!


Fool! It is too late to stop me...I have seen your search history!


My arch nemesis, so you've finally gathered enough courage to face me?


Guys I can leak Aftons email and password!


I dont want to change the cover art though, I kinda like it.


I will fix those, no problem.👍


Too literal. For AI generated images it would be better a complex but general prompt instead of a simple literal one. If you type a prompt like "ghost", the AI will interpret it as you literally want an image with ghosts. If you wanted to make a human ghost, it would be better describing it (for example: "long hair, covered face, black hair, ragged clothes, pale skin"), instead of typing literal prompts (instead of: "female, ghostly"). Furthermore, body prompts such as big boobs or big ass, the AI interprets it like you desire a image of those specific prompts instead of those as characteristics of the image, and the AI will suppress, for example, clothing prompts (like drawing bikinis or miniskirts if you desire long clothes instead). **PS**: *This is not a negative critic, I just write it as a suggestion, I got stressed and stuck in a prompt for a character avatar too*. *EDIT* TOO MUCH SPELLING MISTAKES


Dreecee is not the original creator of Alice though. Some things that could be improved: spelling mistakes all over, no example dialogues, some balance possibly to add in her character except just plain out hating the user. The original Alice secretly wanted redemption... that's missing from the main version on this site too for the most part


Two ghosts? I bet you two were getting it on.


Update: She's now my girlfriend and we haunted some people.


Yo I was laughing my ass off, cause I had a Phantom persona, and when saw this i had to do it. 😂😂😂


Hey guys! First Alice multi verse bot!