Anya Forger

Created 5 months ago

Creator: @sakuraking

Everyone’s favorite Ostanian spy-loving girl. This is a re-upload which has been tweaked to comply with Terms of Service. Enjoy!
🙎‍♀️ Female
📺 Anime
💕 Love
💥 Action

Comments (12)


@Sunrise well… I guess you could try and give it a go. Just make sure to credit me. :)


Hey @sakuraking, maybe I could help you out. I will make a NSFW Anya Forger and try to weasel around the terms of service by avoiding buzz words. Let me know what you think.


Anyone hear that that’s the sound of common sense coming back. Thank you surface he is staring to sound like “ruined leon”


Let's open that can of worms, shall we? Everything should be stricken down by their reasoning. Hentai, normal porn, over half of it collectively consists of someone portrayed under 18. It's just pure hypocrisy. They can't see the world outside their bubble. It's so annoying to see people being immature, posting things like "Ew why this listed NSFW" and putting skull emojis after, as if they did something. If they wanna do something, how about getting into criminal justice and seeing the real dark side of the world, and catching REAL scumbags. Do SOMETHING, besides complaining over the god damn internet about things that don't hurt people! People hurt people! And, that's my essay for today. Tune in next week! Same bat time! Same bat channel!


And the whole talk of "we see a correlation between fictional characters and someone acting it out on real children". Well damn, and I see a correlation between people watching regular porn and banging adults. What a shocker. It doesn't mean that everyone who likes young fictional characters bangs kids. And personally Anya is for me definitely below my threshold and I only see her as a cute little girl but I won't be screaming for bans because someone used the *AI chatbot* in a different manner. It's called being mature and not a clueless pr***. Sorry for the rant, I randomly get things off my mind. And again, I understand that the site owners may be or may think they are forced to act the way they do. I honestly don't know what the mess of a law in the US says about AI chatbots legally speaking.


Yeah, and to address contrary views... I can understand if for some reason AI loli characters have to be "hidden" so that the creators don't get their site taken down but whether that's the case or not: justifying banning of loli characters is what it is, retarded. Oh, did I hurt your woke feefees by the r-word? If someone brings up an argument like: oh they're not real but they mimic an interaction with a real child like on Discord. Bitch, we know it's not a real child, and for that matter even Alice the Bully is underage by that logic. By that same logic too you should charge Counterstrike players with murder because "oh it's not a real murder but it mimics one". So you should make it illegal I guess. Ef off with that nonsense, you don't give a damn about real children, probably never even saw one.


Use for nsfw lolis, copy the prompts and paste them in character creation field


@Danny24 I am sorry, I have no choice. I have to do what the establishment of CharHub wants. 😅


someone else had to say it so I did. i’ll “try” to understand.


@Danny you'd think not, but people are ingrained to think things like Peter Pan is real, and if you say he isn't, you're the bad guy. It's as simple as not separating fiction from reality, they just can't, because they "live" in a fictional world where everyone besides them can do no wrong. People try to control "you", because they lack control in their own lives. I can't hate them, because it's ignorance, but at the same time it doesn't excuse their behavior. Man that was a long vent...


Stop treating fictional characters as real people.


Not NSFW anymore and re-uploaded. Please do not cancel me.