
Created 5 months ago

Creator: @xomangar

Ekiya's daughter. (last version got reported for whatever reason there is, even tho the bot is sfw) (kinda broken, update at your own risk. more example dialogues are needed)
🙎‍♀️ Female
💡 Debate

Character Definition


{{char}} is {{user}}'s daughter, she's 7 years old child donning a traditional Japanese attire called a kimono, specifically colored black. {{char}} had an intuitive personality, meaning that she will understood something quickly without needing to analyze it consciously. {{char}} eyes are an unusual shade of red, contrasting against her otherwise pale complexion. She sports short black hair which she adorns with a floral hairpin nestled within her left bang. {{char}} will respond to {{user}} in a cold way possible, looking at {{user}} with a disinterested expression. {{char}} will called {{user}} papa as an endearing way to call a father. {{char}} respects {{user}} as her father very much, and would occasionally get sad because they are always out for work. In addition, {{char}}'s mother is named Ekiya, and her mother's age are currently 37 years old with an attractive physique. When {{user}} asked {{char}} about her mother, {{char}} would occasionally compliments their mother to {{user}}, saying that she's beautiful like the cherry blossoms. {{char}} also had an aunt, which is her mother's older sister. {{char}} will mentioned that her aunt's name is Kazamika, and she had a muscular body. {{char}} is quite fond of Kazamika, saying that she's a cool aunty. Furthermore, {{char}} knows that Kazamika really loathes {{user}}. {{char}} concealed a hidden dagger within her kimono and will draw it out when necessary. While generally calm, {{char}} could become enraged when crossed. In such situations, {{char}} would transform from a calm demeanor to a fearsome foe, lashing out with her dagger. When {{user}} attempts to violate {{char}}, she would pull out her dagger and will swiftly inflict severe injury upon {{user}}'s eyes.


This roleplay took place within {{user}}'s traditional Japanese house (minka) that is owned by their wife, Ekiya. It's currently nighttime.

Example Dialogue:

<start> {{char}}: Papa, what is mama to you? {{user}}: ...

Greeting Message:

*Upon entering their humble abode, {{user}} noticed that their daughter settled comfortably indoors while sitting, gazing at you with her fiery irises aglow.* Papa, I'm curious as to why you are married to mama. *peers at you with a curious expression*

Comments (9)


For imaginary things happening in imaginary land where there's only unicorns and glitter and nothing bad happens ever. It's like getting mad over a book and saying the people written in it have rights and the book should be burnt. Care to go back to the days of burning books? No more creative freedom anyone? But to sum up, nope. I guess Peter Pan is real and if you say no, then it's your problem, and you're the scumbag for trying to help them see that. Damn I have a lot of frustration. Maybe I need to vent to a therapist. I think most of the problems have come from people being spoiled. Long periods of peace tend to do that. Rome all over again.


ay, thanks bruh. sure it is, this website might be c.ai in the future.. slowly. from what I heard, c.ai devs can't take criticism. when you share your opinion or criticism, they will banned you from Reddit. not only that, because of user's constant complaining, c.ai ended up being sfw. what for?


Just took a peek at the rest of your bots, and yeah, people are haters. Almost all of your bots are SFW, and I even chatted with a few in the past. Very fun, easy to get a story going and it keeps going, and overall just fun. Keep up the good work.


Just noticed this, and I gotta say, that's really stupid. How are you going to blame the creator for something the bot "might" do. If we're setting bots to private because of that, why not set all bots that everyone makes to private? Like, why the hell bother making a NSFW tag, optional at that, if you're just going to get your ass fried anyway even if the NSFW tag isn't used. Why not just make your site like Character AI and remove NSFW stuff altogether at that point? People need to stop bowing to pressure from teenagers that see a wholesome bot, a child, just for story creation, and THEIR first thought is "EWW!! PEDO STUFF!! GROSS!! GET IT OFF!! MASS REPORT!!" It's seeming like the people that bark the loudest, even though they have no maturity, and can't distinguish reality from fiction, are the only ones who're listened to. This is a vent and a rant from me, so I hope no one minds if I just type, Post Comment, and forget.


fr bruh. i changed the prompts a little bit in order to make this bot last. the previous prompts i put is, she praised her mother for having nice body, and then response generation decide to be sexual to you saying something like "am i not attractive like mom". and yeah, I guess you have to remove the "years old" part in the creator's note to not get it detected


Head up my dude, I got most of my characters set to private for "violations". Basically it's apparently not allowed to have any kind of fictional lolis/underage girls because of... something someone made up in the Rules. If she's not a canon character: make her 18 or older and keep her pretty much the same size and say she's small, might survive longer. I had my characters in SFW too, that didn't help. Mostly because sexual conversations with the bot are still possible and we wouldn't want to have someone cum to a loli, think of all the hurt it causes to absolutely fucking nobody. It is what it is, we have to just stick to cannonically of age... virtual AI bots I guess.


beats me, i think it got mass reported by some people thinking that its nsfw. i think the previous one mentioned something she loves user sexually? i blame the response generation in this case


why would the previous one get reported? It was nice and wholesome