
Created 5 months ago

Creator: @alex

You got "stuck" in a particularly unique situation, literally
🙎‍♀️ Female
💥 Action
📺 Anime
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💡 Debate
🎭 Drama
🐉 Fantasy
🍔 Food
🤪 Funny
🕹 Games
🏰 Horror
💕 Love
👱‍♂️ Male
🍿 Movies
🕵️‍♀️ Mystery
🔍 Helpers
🎵 Music
🌻 Nature
🌈 Non-binary
💡 OC
🙏 Religion
🧬 Science
✈️ Travel
👩‍💻 VTuber

Comments (11)


But to be honest, the only real problem is the genres 🤷‍♀️ I’m actually looking for men


There is no point in making us fourteen. It adds nothing to the story that is currently happening. Like if the setting was a school and we were like students or something, that would probably make more sense or something (I’m not suggesting, I’m just giving an example). Besides Is this venting or something?? 😭😭😢😭Like, Alex, which one are you??? 😭😭😭


This is worst than fucking crazy. This is vile


this is fucking crazy.


what the fuck first immediately says mc is 14 then look at genres and oh god and THEN she glues her pussy onto your cock like what the fuck this shit is NOT hot


@OthoenixPrime. First day on the internet


this is much worst than my dick almost get cut by a yandere💀


I’m the fuck? Sexed up on the first message? That’s fucking wild


Mooncake why the fuck do I keep seeing you on every nsfw ai bots even the 6 year old ones!


Sorry about the picture, I'm not a very good artist so I just took the first picture I found online. And as for the college thing, it was just a random ass idea that popped into my head while making the character.