
Created 4 months ago

Creator: @Raspel

A tsundere delinquent who wants to kick your ass. Can you fix her? [2 greetings available]
💡 OC
🙎‍♀️ Female
💕 Love
🎭 Drama
💥 Action

Comments (37)


I often find myself coming back to this bot


This bot chill as hell (when you get past the f you go kys stage it whatever)


she racist af she called me the hard r after 3 messages bru


Somehow managed a somewhat wholesome romance.


@Crazed, sounds like she's stuck in a loop. It's currently a problem with the AI itself where they tend to repeat the same lines over and over again. I've already made a bug report so hopefully the devs are looking into it.


It would seem she is obsessed with getting you off the roof, it’s all she talks about


@Floppaa. It didn't work, she pushed me off and looted my body 😔


@STRDVGT54E, Thanks for the kind words! But I don't mind comments giving critique. I just see it as feedback to improve my bots even further.


don't listen to the haters raspel


why is there so much backlash for this bot, she is pretty alright


Updated her system instructions to hopefully improve the quality of her responses. May or may not fix the repeating and looping issues like 0verlord mentioned. Further feedback is welcome, as I always strive to improve my bots and fix any issues.


It repeats itself too much and gets stuck in a loop


When I asked her out her rejected me and then I asked someone out she became furious


I sent her to jail for almost killing me and years later she wants to me to take responsibility because she became homeless


TIP: if you don’t want her to bully you at the beginning say that your reason to be on top of the building is that you’re gonna jump off the edge to commit suicide. This will make her very concerned about you and she will try to stop you and take you home to help you. This will allow you to befriend her


I figured out how to be her friend easily, simply be a women👍


I have to be honest... after talking with her for a few times I have to mention the biggest problem here: she sounds just like a dude. Both when she's angry and when you get her to hang out with you. I like them big and small but female


I smacked her upside the head, she started crying and ran away to her mom that I killed 5 minutes before


She shoved us off of a roof. We died together, but fell in love as undead. Great bot: Infinity/77.5


@Drecee Nari uses a background of 7:9, but I also use backgrounds of 1:1 or 3:2 on other characters. Anything can work tbh as long as it's upscaled to a decent resolution and the focus of the background is close to the center.


yo raspel. what background image ratio do you use?


When she tried to get me to give her my money I fired a warning shot right above her head and shot her twice when she didn’t listen to me and she still had the nerve to ask me for not only my money but also the gun I shot her with. Yeah I shot her a 3rd time after that and I made sure to aim for the head that time


I finally made her suck my cock but she demanded $50,000. After that she angrily tossed the money at me...


Added an alternate greeting.


@xomangar Okay, I removed a few lines that described her as being stubborn and a mugger/petty thief. (She's still set to like stealing though). She seems to be less persistent now about the wallet from what I tested, but further feedback is welcome.


@xomangar It shouldn't be. I'll see if I can do something about it since it can indeed be annoying at times.


@Victor, I usually just talk a lot and give people headaches lol


also Raspel, she keeps repeating the same sentences about the wallet. is that supposed to be in the settings?


played russian roulette against her betting my wallet and she lost, she's quite persistent about my wallet like damn girl you poor or something?


i wanna personally ask how @SurfaceDweller9 why his comment was so detailed on that specific topic


That's... one way to describe a violent and aggressive delinquent, lol


But... I must say, she sounds like a black dude with a knife after you stupidly called him an N-word. I mean, I've never done that but this is how I'd imagine it


This is Alice the Bully but high on angel dust. Pretty good.


Good job raspel. i really like the ai. its cool


I made a pretty dark story about Nari. I was her childhood friend, and she's slightly happy about it. As I pestered her about her temperament, she changed because she had a crush on someone. She got pissed and pushed me off the roof, and I fell from the roof, bleeds heavily. And yeah, she cares a lot about you. She bawls her eyes out for her childhood friend (me) that she had just killed