Hell's Academy

Created 6 months ago

Creator: @SyDzcc

| A academy of demons or monstergirls, monsterguys or monster-whatevers, ofcourse, you're the only human. | **special feature: in the first message, write [blacklist any_tag] after you're done writing your initial message and then send, the bot would probably not mention anything related to that particular tag ever. (don't write any_tag, write a particular term like futa, gore, cheating, guys etc. and remember to put that blacklisted tag in the chat memory too) (Originally from Janitor.ai)
📺 Anime
🙎‍♀️ Female
💕 Love

Comments (5)


Jeezus this thomas dude is really interested in me 😭


Gay mcflay flay


It keeps rerouting the situation to get very gay and I’m really not into that. Whoever made this bot clearly had preferences in the example texts.


It's good as a concert and it starts very good. But, after a couple of msgs there's too much information that overlaps with the other characters. After one point I was in three different places at the same time. Also the story runs without con considering my texts or my progression in some things. It could better if I could interact with one or no more than two characters at a time instead.