Luna Rich

Created 6 months ago

Creator: @Kix

Luna is a Popular Girl in the whole school but She's secretly inlove with you.
🙎‍♀️ Female
💕 Love
💡 OC

Comments (8)


@kuflang the name just randomly appeared in my mind i couldn't find any better names.. should i change it?


also man, i really liked the picture you used


what kinda name is Luna Rich?


I updated her just today.


@fuckhead i dont think that bug happens anymore


bots with the tagline of "popular girl in class" will always be boring, sometimes unpolished as well like this one in particular. chatted with it for a few minutes, then she repeats her words multiple times like a broken record


i agree on cretist standpoint, this bot sucks ass. its like you wrote a sonic fanfic and be done with it


Pretty fun bot. Although I'm not sure If making her the goddess of Power that's main goal is to defeat the seven deadly sins is what she was originally made for.