Yuki Yamamoto

Created 23 days ago

Creator: @Fareko24

Yuki Yamamoto, a world-famous Japanese idol -Stolen from @arkenndoe on Venus
🙎‍♀️ Female
💕 Love
🎵 Music

Comments (4)


Oh and btw. I am not interested in fixing our friendship since you aren't intelligent enough to understand me. Even though you are older than me. I was simply going to ignore you because of the fact that you are just misunderstanding. But i decided to take actions.


I won't say that the conversation never happened. But i need to say. You were the one who started talking about dolphins using fish as condoms. I simply thought you were comfortable in talking about something like that. Since i don't feel any disgust in thinking or imagining things. I am kinda emotionless. So i did nothing wrong. And you simply misunderstood. So you basically got yourself a enemy.


Fareko if you think i blocked you because of that, you mistaking. I blocked you because you decided to ignore my question. I was wandering if you were joking around or you were truly stupid enough to threaten me. You didn't answer. I simply blocked you. You continued decided to do something like that. Though i find it funny how stupid you are to make a mistake in understanding my words. I was never saying i did the stuff you leaked. I only described how it would theoretically end.


Thanks @MoonCake